Photomochi Studio’s Award-Winning Innovation and Nationwide Excellence in Photography and Videography
Feature on Business Insider for Photomochi Studio.

Intuit Feature on LinkedIn
Event photography for Intuit featured on their official LinkedIn account – photos taken by our CEO Christopher C. Lee.

Beyond the gen AI hype: Google Cloud shares key learnings
Cover photo for Google article on VentureBeat.

The Best Commercial Photographer in San Jose, California
Feature on Quality Business Awards for our commercial photography.

Forbes – The Changing Culture Of Media Advertisements
In a featured article by Julian Vigo, our founder Christopher C. Lee and Photomochi Studio is mentioned as an example for concise storytelling.

Yahoo! Finance – Christopher C. Lee Launches Photomochi Photography Studio in San Francisco
News feature on Yahoo! Finance for the launch of Photomochi Studio.

Globe Newswire – Councilmembers Dev Davis and Pam Foley Endorse Irene Smith for San José City Council District 3